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We are so proud to debut our new Crab Bully Dip Nets!
Now available
Now Available!!
Crab bully Bushel Baskets!
(Exact size as wooden bushel baskets)
**Patent Pending**


Currently offering wholesale pricing for distributors. Call Glenn for Details 484-716-7144


"Now Available" -
1/8", and 3/16" Red Snood Trotlines.

Tutorial Video's
Crab Bully Tips for Beginners
1. Check the tide chart where you will be crabbing for the day. Make sure you have as many baits in the water
allowed by law when the tide is moving! (Crabbing can be slow at slack tide)
2. Only use the freshest bait possible. Razor Clams are the preferred bait of most commercial crabbers.
Make sure clams are fresh and alive for best results. If using chicken necks, cut to 3 -3 1/2 inches to attach
to your line! (Crab Bully poultry scissors available now)
3. Find the depth where the crabs are! Each trip will be different and there are so many beliefs as to why they
are at each depth. Make sure you are using a depth finder and lay your gear in the depth you are catching
in pattern!
4. Use quality gear. Crab Bully trotlines are made of 3 strand Nylon. This is the most tangle free
line on the market. Most times you will be able to shake free any tangles. (This helps a lot when starting out) .
5. When laying your line make sure your buoy line has anchors and chain heavy enough to hold your line
to the bottom. (If your line is not on the bottom, you will not catch any crabs) Crab Bully recommends
15 lb+ anchors for 600' lines and 20lb+ anchors for 1200 foot.
6. When laying your line, run it as straight as possible. Drop your anchor the moment your line becomes taut.
You will know your line is set correctly if your line dips or goes deeper when a crab is on the line ahead!
7. I have never seen any other crabber use this tactic, but......... If you have the funds, invest in a remote control
trolling motor. This method is super quiet in the water, and makes crabbing easy when going by yourself.
(Video coming soon)
8. Find a storage container for your trotline with a lid that will fit in a freezer. After crabbing all day
you will not be interested in pulling water logged nasty bait off your line. Merely store it in your container
and throw in the freezer when you get home. Before your next trip thaw it out and pull off old bait
and put on new. (For best results, pull off bait before completely thawed and slightly frozen)! The freezer
will keep it from stinking! (Video attached at top of this page!)
Crab Bully is proud to support Maryland's Fallen Outdoors team. Please contact them for more details.
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